Elias Kalyvas' Leadership Training | Microlearning & Metacognition Expertise

Light your Own Spark
or Stay in the Herd

Hey, I'm Elias.

I am an executive mentor
specializing in learning and development.

Discovering new learning paths
forms the core of my life.

Light your Own Spark
or Stay in the Herd

Hey, I'm Elias.
I am an executive mentor specializing in learning and development.

Discovering new learning paths forms the core of my life.

Teach a person how to think, not what to think!

Navigating in the dynamic landscape of today's professional training is challenging if you are not in awareness with the effective methods.

Microlearning stands out as the solution, towards to achieve the desired outcomes from your educational endeavors.

Navigating in the dynamic landscape of today's professional training is challenging if you are not in awareness with the effective methods.

Microlearning stands out as the solution, towards to achieve the desired outcomes from your educational endeavors.

Learning effectively it means to study smarter, not harder!

Thought patterns hinder the connection to critical thinking and the ability for effective lifelong learning.

Incorporating metacognition into teaching and learning programs empowers individuals to be proactive contributors and shape their own learning journey.

I am a part of everything that I have read!

Elevate your potential. In our tech-centric era, it's not just technical expertise or niche knowledge that sets you apart.

Prioritizing soft skills is the key to unlocking unparalleled success and standing out in the crowd.

 Prioritizing soft skills is
the key to unlocking
unparalleled success and
standing out in the crowd.

The willgness to learn is very high!



Microlearning is an innovative learning approach that delivers content in small, focused, and easily digestibly units. Unlike traditional learning, which often involves lenghty lecturers or courses, microlearning breaks down information into bite-sized modules. This approach allows lerners to absorb knowledge in shorter, more engaging sessions, making it ideal for our fast-paced world.

Microlearning lessons are intentionally short and concise, usually ranging from a few minutes to around 10 minutes in duration. This brevity ensures that learners can engage with the content quickly, making the most of their available time.

Microlearning offers several advantages, including:
1. Time Efficiency: Learners can access and complete modules in a short time, fitting learning into their busy schedules.
2. Increase Retention: Bite-sized content is easier to remember and apply.
3. Flexibility: Learners can access microlearning modules from anywhere, using various devices.
4. Engagement: Short, focused modules maintain learner interest and motivation.
5. Accessibility: Content can be updated and adapted quickly to keepin relevant.

Yes, microlearning is ideal for continuous learning and skill development. Its flexibility allows learners to access relevant content when needed, making it a valuable tool for ongoing growth and adaption.


Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of one's own thoughts processes. It involves thinking about thinking and being conscious of how you learn, solve problems, and make decisions.

Metacognition is important because it enhances learning and problem-solving abilities. It alows individuals to monitor their own learning progress, identify areas of improvement, and apply effective learning strategies.

Yes, there is connection between metacognition and emotional intelligence. Being aware of your own emotions and understanding how they influence your thinking is a form of metacognition.

Yes, microlearning activities can be intentionally designed to promote metacognitive skills. These activities encourage learners to reflect on their learning progress, set goals, and use metacognitive strategies, making their microlearning experience more effective and efficient. 

Soft skills

Soft skills, also known as interpersonal skills, are non-technical skills that relate to how we interact with others. They encompass quallities such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Soft skills are vital because they enable individuals to work effectively with colleagues, solve problems, and navigate complex situations in both personal and professional settings. 

Soft skills are termed as such to distinguish them from "hard skills", which are specific technical abilities. Unlike hard skills, which are typically job-specific, soft skills apply across various professions and are often more challenging to measure or quantify. They are referred to as "soft" to emphasize their interpersonal and adaptable nature.

Soft skills play a crusial role in achieving long-term goals by fostering qualities like leadership, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. These skills empower individuals to manage challenges, lead teams, and adapt to changing circumstances, ultimately propelling them toward success in both their current roles and future aspirations. 

Soft skills are not really "soft". They are not to easy to develop and require continuous effort and attention to training. Consistently demonstarting these skills is essential for personal and professional success, and they significantly influence individual success, family culturem and organization culture.